

Time Topic Speaker
10:20 –11:00 3D Scanning Helps Chinese Intelligence Manuafcturing Mr Andy Lin
Senior Customer Manage of rFaro Technologies Inc
11:00 –11:40 Application of Portable Spike Spark Spectrometer in Mould Steel Industry Mr Luan Zhi
Product Manager of Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH
11:40-12:20 Introduction of Internet+ Cloud ERP and Studies of Classic Mold Case Mr Luo Ning
Director of FinderSoft Group
13:00-13:40 How Moldex3D successfully helps Industry to realize lightweight of automobile. Hank Niu
Industry Sales Director Great China of Moldex3D
13:40-14:20 Application of Portable Spike Spark Spectrometer in Mould Steel Industry Mr Luan Zhi
Product Manager of Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH
14:20 –15:00 The Application and Impact of 3D Printing in China Module Industry Mr Sandy Duan
Greater China Sales Manager of Wells Electronic Materials (shanghai )Co., Ltd
15:00-15:40  The Difference between Cold Runner and Hot Runner Mr Zhang Mingfu
General Manager of Hostar Hotrunner Technic Co., Ltd

Seminar speakers

3D Scanning Helps Chinese Intelligence Manuafcturing


Application of Portable Spike Spark Spectrometer in Mould Steel Industry


Introduction of Internet+ Cloud ERP and Studies of Classic Mold Case


How Moldex3D successfully helps Industry to realize lightweight of automobile


The Application and Impact of 3D Printing in China Module Industry


The Difference between Cold Runner and Hot Runner
